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  1. DInner at Fo You Yuan

    Wednesday 1 August 2012

    This restaurant was actually found by Kerwyn as he was reading wedding forums and told me that 佛有缘素食餐馆 Fo You Yuan (FYY) is one of the caterers for vegetarian food at wedding dinners. Sadly, because the boy is in camp, I brought my family to try the food without him.
    FYY is located near to Mustafa, we drove there by car and had difficulty finding a slot even though we were there at around 6. It's a small, simply furnished restaurant, and according to my mum, the place has renovated.
    I love this seaweed tidbit! I haven't had them for very long (think since secondary school). I used to buy them and bring it to school to munch on them before band practices. Yumyum!
    金丝妙品 (Mango Roll, $15) - I like the name and I saw it on their website so I insisted on ordering it! There's mango and ham wrapped inside the beehoon, but there was a lil too much beehoon and too lil mango. It would be better if there was more mango to make the dish less dry.
    宫保杏鲍菇 (Kung Po Monkey Head Mushroom, $12) - Very tasty! Love the sauce! One of their specialty dish! 
    泰式素鱼 (Thai Fish, $10) - The coconut taste was abit too strong, not the spicy taste that I was expecting.
    玉山白雪 (Ham with white cabbage, $14) - I like how the dish is presented! Think it'll be a nice dish to serve during wedding dinners.
    伊面 (Ee Mee, $6) - I didn't eat this because I was too full already but my mum says it's ok... Haha.

    Total cost of our dinner: $74.60 for (2 starters, 5 dishes, tea, white/brown rice) - Quite reasonable I guess. I would bring Kerwyn there the next time round! (:

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